Project Management | Ox Services, LLC

Project Management Services You Can Trust

Project Management by Ox Services, LLC

Minding the big picture. Given the multi-faceted nature of construction, integration is the name of the game. And who you choose to have on your team will be crucial to its success. Our consultants have the proven expertise and ability to provide seamless integration solutions for your construction program. We’ll collaborate with you to tackle the day-to-day responsibilities, while being mindful of the bigger picture.

Nationwide Experience Brought to Your Project

By assigning individuals with specialized project-specific knowledge, Ox's project management consultants serve as an integral part of each project team. Ox Services works hard to ensure that projects come in on time and within budget. 

Project Management Services

From concept or pre-construction to project closeout, Ox's construction and engineering consultants provide proactive problem-solving solutions for any construction program.

Project Planning

Our staff has extensive construction management experience and familiarity with the applicable codes, laws, regulations, and policies that govern the design and construction process. We are also experts with a wide range of factors that influence the delivery of construction projects, including site conditions, geotechnical and groundwater conditions, and the availability of labor and materials. We have established relationships with owners, developers, design firms, general contractors, trade subcontractors, and material and equipment suppliers that allow us to help our clients reach innovative solutions for the typical challenges that arise on construction projects.

Schedule Development

Ox understands that a schedule is only as good as the input and coordination received from the different subject matter experts and trade leads. As part of the schedule development, our staff ensures the proper level of detail is provided within the schedule and that the scope is fully coordinated amongst the team leads who will actively manage the execution of work. Utilizing the design documents and contract specifications, Ox also ensures the schedule will be in full compliance to all contract reporting requirements.

Schedule Oversight

Whether it is on a single project or a larger program with multiple scope designations, our experience in project development, execution, and project disputes gives us a unique perspective to oversee physical progress, accurately monitor and assess current and forecasted work, as well as to identify potential areas of risk leading to the project completion. 

Schedule Analysis

As projects are sometimes in a state of fluctuation, being prepared for future schedule changes will benefit the project team’s ability to make provisions for on-time material deliveries, sub-contractor management, stakeholder engagement, and mitigating the impacts of ripple effects. Ox Service's have extensive expertise in various scheduling techniques, of both proactive and forensic natures, that can be coupled with predictive risk assessment tools to provide the client with real-time data to accurately plan future work.  

Budget Management

Even if your construction or engineering project idea is still just that – an idea – without drawings or plans, Ox's professionals have the construction budget management experience to provide you with the necessary conceptual project budgets to help get your project off the ground. Our Rough Order of Magnitude budgets are polished enough to set accurate cost expectations from the beginning of the project, which will help avoid cost disputes in the end.

Cost Estimating

Ox maintains databases of historical and current local, national, and international construction and engineering cost figures including labor, material, and equipment costs. Ox is equipped to prepare cost estimates and/or verify proposed construction costs at various stages throughout the construction process for projects around the world. By identifying and analyzing the project’s scope, time, cost, quality, and performance, Ox develops an accurate assessment of how the construction process is unfolding over the course of its duration.

Cost Analysis

Over the course of long-term projects, inflation of material prices often results in disputes between owners and contractors. Material and labor escalation clauses can be used as contractual tools to account for pricing adjustments due to changes in the prices of materials, while forensic material escalation analysis can be performed to retroactively quantify material cost adjustments in a manner equitable to both owners and contractors.

Bid Analysis

As the monetary cornerstones of contract pricing agreements, accurate construction bid estimates are often the lynch pin of a project’s success. As such, Ox provides value engineering consulting services. Whether you seek value-added construction estimates for your current project, you need assistance selecting between multiple bid packages or you simply desire validation of a selected bid before entering into contract, Ox's professionals have the experience to help you make the right decision.

Keep Your Projects on Time & On Budget

We vigilantly watch over all aspects of a project, from design review and long-lead items through schedule and budget updates and inspection during construction. As Project/Construction Managers or Owner’s Representatives, Ox Services has managed all phases of the construction process from pre-design through completion, including cost/budget controls, scheduling, estimating, expediting, contract administration, inspections, and control of contractors and suppliers.

Interested in our Project Development Consulting Services? Contact Us Now!

Contact us at Ox Services today at (281) 619-1760 to schedule an appointment with one of our experts.